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The easy way to book your student room.

Book in minutes - our expert team are here to help you 24/7.

1 million+ beds

20+ Countries

We're Global!

100+ cities

Only the best

  • Book instantly

    Find and book your student room in minutes. No more waiting!

  • Trusted Providers

    Browse high-quality rooms from our verified accommodation providers.

  • 24/7 Expert Support

    Our UK based support team works around the clock to assist students.

  • No Visa, No Pay

    We were founded to create the most student first platform - there will be no hidden or additional fees when using our services.

How it works

Search, filter and browse rooms from trusted providers. Find the perfect student room.

Search, filter and browse rooms from trusted providers. Find the perfect student room.

Featured in

Telgraph & Argus coverage of housematesThe times coverage of housemates
PBSA news coverage of housematesTechround coverage of housemates
BBC coverage of housemates

Additional services from Housemates

Once your booking is complete, you will gain access to a wide range of discounted services that we can provide through our partners.

  • Luggage transportation

    Moving abroad with all of your belongings can be stressful! We’ve partnered with leading providers to make your move stress free.

  • Banking & insurance

    Protect your belongings with our insurance partners and look after your money with our exclusive banking options.

  • Airport transfers

    Housemates help you find your room, your partners make sure you get there safely and securely with all of your belongings.

  • Bedding & essentials

    Get your room kitted out before you arrive, we have a number of partners who can provide all of the essentials you need.

What our students think